Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December 8, 2010

Another day of medical education combined with wondering, waiting and watching as Bonnie continues to be fully sedated as the components of life support perform their job. As Bonnie rests in the ICU, the multiple IV meds fight a terrible infection that has been identified. For now she is stable, but in critical condition

The blood cultures have tested positive for an infection which is the same positive test from Bonnie's mouth secretions from a few days ago. It's good that the specific type of infection has been identified so the medical staff can treat it with appropriate regiment. Because Bonnie's immune system is either suppressed or non-existent, the infection became severe enough that it taxed her body and as a result the failing vital signs.

Combined with the infection was Bonnie's body's reaction to the infection called Sepsis, which is a potentially life-threatening condition the can injure the body tissues beyond the original infection. It can affect the function of vital organs temporarily or long term.

Because of the low blood pressure yesterday along with the sepsis, harsh antibiotics and other meds, Bonnie's kidneys are failing based on the limited amount of urine output and the level of creatine in her blood. There are times kidney failures can be reversed, but this is something yet to be determined.

On the positive side, the amount of oxygen has been somewhat reduced, which means the blood oxygen has improved a little, although Bonnie has a ways to go until consideration would be given to removing the breathing tube. In addition to the oxygen, ICU has been able to slowly reduce the volume of IV med used to sustain Bonnie's blood pressure to an acceptable level. She is far from being off the IVs, but it certainly is headed in the right direction.

Bonnie had another bone marrow biopsy today. The initial results show that no leukemia is present in the bone marrow. The balance of the results are supposed to be returned on Friday and the latest being Monday. It should give some indication as to whether Bonnie's body has rejected the stem cell transplant of the infection has destroyed the immune system or suppressed her immune system.

We are praying and hoping that the infection has only suppressed Bonnie's immune system. If that is the case, the hope is that her immune system might rebound, IF she can recover from the infection, the sepsis, and the damage that has occurred to her system and organs.

On behalf of our entire family, thank you again for your prayers, notes, cards, visits and overall support.

Steve and Bonnie


  1. Steve & Bonnie,
    Praying for the Holy Spirit to overwhelm you with His love, comfort and peace! That Bonnie's WBC would start to elevate to normal levels, that the infection would disappear, that she would not have long term side effects from the medications. Praying for a miraculous recovery.

    Thank you for your updates.

    The Halls

  2. Steve and family,
    With hearts heavy already for your family, we still acknowledge that God is sovereign and knows the very day we will join him. We are praying for Bonnie's WBC to dramatically change and for her recovery with no side effects. As difficult as it must be to write and watch your dear wife/mother go through the deepest and darkest of valleys, we do appreciate your updates and will continue fervent prayer on your family's behalf.

  3. Steve, Bonnie and Family,
    If there was some way God would allow me to take this pain from you and bring Bonnie home healthy it would be my desire to do that. Right now my prayers will continue for all of you and that God may/will be holding you and Bonnie in His loving grasp and that you may feel the peace flowing through Bonnie, that can bring her to health. May she recover to return to Lansing and that the time in ICU will only be a dream to her. God has not forgotten you or Bonnie or the kids. Please let me know if I can help in any way and I'll be right there. I love you, Steve, and Bonnie. Sandy

  4. Going to the throne to ask our Great High Priest to pour out His grace & mercy on you all! May our God strengthen and sustain you!

  5. Crying out to God on your behalf. Your story keeps things in perspective for my own life. Thank you for your strength.

  6. We are praying for the Opper family!!!

  7. You all are in our thoughts and prayers this morning.

    "My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness."
