Wednesday, July 8, 2009


HOME. Just the word brings tears of joy to us. Bonnie is home. As we drove out of the parking deck at Sparrow Hospital this afternoon with the sunroof open, Bonnie heard a bird chirping and the tears were streaming down her cheek. Just the simple things in life that we take for granted that get lost in the busyness of life. What a pleasure I (Steve) had today to pull weeds in the flower beds. It's hard to capture in words the pent up feelings and emotions of being together in our home. Please pray that God will protect our lives from spinning out of control where we find ourselves not appreciating every little aspect of God's creation. "Take time to smell the roses" takes on a new meaning as opposed to just being a simple cliche.

HOPE. We have hope in the future because of Christ. Whether it's our earthly or eternal future, we have hope. This is the first time I (Steve) can recall sitting at our kitchen computer doing this update. I happened to glance up on the wall and saw a new plaque that Bonnie had bought quite some time before this journey had started. The plaque was hung by my dad just prior to Cassandra's openhouse as part of the finishing touches to an updated kitchen. The plaque says:

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. Isaiah 40:30

As we cleaned up Bonnie's room and took down all the cards that were taped to the wall, Bonnie had a chance to reread the notes of encouragement from so many, which was an added blessing to her day. We appreciate the outpouring of kindness, including the meals to those of you who had one of our children at one point along the way. So many have reached out to help and we would like to personally thank each one of you but quite frankly are overwhelmed in how to do so.

Please continue to pray for us as we continue on the journey which is far from over. I (Steve) start my chemo tomorrow. Please pray that I will not have a lot of side effects from these harsh drugs.

Please pray for continued wisdom and discernment as we transition to the bone marrow transplant process for Bonnie. We have a meeting a week from today in Detroit with the team that specializes in bone marrow transplants. Pray that a match will be identified quickly.

God is teaching us so much along the journey and we are grateful for this venue to share a little of what He is doing in our lives. All glory and honor and praise belong to Him!


  1. Praise God Steve! Your words are such a great reminder to all of us. We are so thankful that you are home and together as a family.


    I will continue to pray for you guys, especially for Mr. Opper's chemo and Mrs. Oppers transplant process!

    Thanks for these updates!


  3. Praise His Sweet Name for answered prayer on your behalf. I cannot tell you thrilled I am to hear that you are home. Will continue to pray..

  4. Rejoicing with you and committed to keep praying for you!

    God is good,
    Sandy Mandeville
