Friday, October 23, 2009


Bonnie’s transplant was two weeks ago today and she continues to make progress in the doctors’ eyes. This is based on primarily her blood counts, which have come back in a significant way. Her white blood cell (WBC) count is currently at 10,300 (on the blog post Tuesday she was at 5200) and her hemoglobin is slowly increasing to 10.1. Last week it dropped below 8.0 which required two units of red blood cells. Thus far she has not needed any additional transfusions. The platelets are usually last to engraft. Normal range again is between 100,000 and 150,000. With the chemo Bonnie’s fell to a low of 19,000, but since the transplant they have steadily multiplied and currently at 268,000.

We have asked the doctors if there is any concern about these counts exceeding the normal range and they have said no. The new stem cells have responded very well to the Neupogen injections that stimulate the bone marrow to create new cells. So from this perspective is why the doctors say that Bonnie is making good progress.

The downside is that the mucositis continues to get worse, but somewhat expected. The doctors indicated that it takes approximately 7 days on average for the mucositis to run its course. It has spread throughout Bonnie’s mouth and down into her throat and esophagus and continues to periodically cause nausea, so please pray that the new WBC (the neutrophils) will start to attack the sores and begin the healing process before it spreads into her intestines. The thought of recurring intestinal issues is a source of anxiety for Bonnie as she knows firsthand what it is like from her initial 58 day stay at Sparrow earlier this year.

The projected date for discharge is now next Tuesday October 27th. This is subject to Bonnie being able to take oral medicines as well as eating solid foods. So that is the goal. She continues to walk a minimum of two miles each day (today it was closer to three).

We are grateful for your faithfulness in praying for Bonnie and can attest to the incredible peace and spiritual strength we have as a result of your prayers. Because of this, as well as a wide circulation of this blog (from England to the West Coast of the U.S.) we are asking you to join with us in praying for a dear friend of ours, Mary Grace, who back in May, at the beginning of Bonnie’s diagnosis, jumped right in and started coordinating meals for our family. Mary Grace had a horrible injury earlier this week involving her eye. Please pray for healing and restoration of her sight in the eye and for an overwhelming peace as well as spiritual strength for her and her family.


Steve & Bonnie


  1. We're praying for you guys and Mary Grace. May God's presence, peace, comfort, strength and healing power overwhelm you guys.
    Cindy and Bruce Edwards

  2. Praying everything stays on course for Bonnie's discharge next Tuesday. Also for strength and particularly for healing from the mucositis in the short term. Thinking of you often, Rachel x

  3. Praise the Lord for the answers to prayer with the blood counts! We will be praying for her mucositis and Mary Grace . . . thank you so very much for keeping us updated! We love you guys!

  4. Steve and Bonnie,
    Gil had a good night his first night home although he wasn't feeling "great" and worried that if this was the best it was going to be, he would be disappointed and would not be able to go back to work in the capacity he had planned. However, he woke up this morning feeling like himself and has been working on the computer and reading most of the day. The home health nurse came by and showed us how to give a magnesium sulfate infusion which we will now begin doing ourselves on a daily basis. Gil's mucositis is resolved and we hope Bonnie's will follow suit shortly. I miss having "candle light dinners" with you Steve, out in the hallway, when Gil and Bonnie could not tolerate the smell of food in their rooms! Someday I hope we can look back on these days and smile about them. Right not, it's too serious to tempt fate in that way. Keep up the good fight, Bonnie. We are thinking of you every day.
    Gil and Karen

  5. Keeping you in my prayers! I am enjoying my time in the car with Wesley and Caleb on Wednesdays---teenage boys are so funny!


  6. Dear Bonnie and Steve

    Its been such an encouragement to hear how God is working in your lives. Bonnie I can't even begin to imagine all that you have had to endure but you are such an inspiration to me. When I was diagnosed with cancer back in August, I kept thinking about how strong your faith has been and it was an encouragement to me, and reminded me that I too can endure hardship with the strength of the Lord. I am praying for you and will continue in the days and months to come. God is good all the time. Thank you for sharing your story so others could be encouraged!!!

  7. You are strong and courageous!!
    Nearly 3 miles with all those setbacks?
    Amazing. What a testimony you two are.
