Wednesday, November 24, 2010

November 24, 2010

Overwhelmed is the only word that comes to mind as I sit here and ponder the past 24 hours. Overwhelmed is the same word that comes to mind thinking about the incredible amount of support you have shown us through all of your prayers. Thank you.

With that said, we are happy to report that Bonnie has been moved out of ICU. It was a 24 hour stay that seemed more like a 72 hour stay. Although it was nice to have a 1 to 1, nurse to patient ratio, it was not a pleasant visit for Bonnie. Her vital signs are much better and more consistent and after many blood draws, the doctors determined she could be sent back to her familiar confines of 5 West.

Bonnie is resting/sleeping now after being awake most of the night running various test, trying to breathe through various oxygen masks and poked enough times to feel like a pin cushion ten times over. So in the quietness of her room, I thought it was important to let all of you know that she is out of ICU.

Although she is out of ICU, she is not out of the woods, unfortunately. The pathology report of the bone marrow biospy from yesterday is still clear of leukemia blasts, but she still has a recurrence of the leukemia in her body. Sparrow is sending bone marrow samples to Karmanos for their review and testing.

Most likely, Bonnie is probably dealing with a virus or infection that is depleting her white blood cells trying to fight the virus. For some reason the bone marrow isn't keeping up making new cells. Because there is not sign of the leukemia in her bone marrow, the doctors at both Sparrow and Karmanos have agreed that Bonnie should be given Neupogen injections to stimulate the bone marrow to produce new white blood cells. Originally there was concern that this could also stimulate leukemic activity, but that concern was eliminated to a certain degree by the results of the biopsy.

She is still receiving strong antibiotics and antifungals as they continue to determine what is going on. Her mouth sores are bad, as I've previously mentioned. Every nurse that has looked at them have made comments that they have never seen sores like these. It took a lot of convincing by nursing staff, doctors and family for Bonnie to agree to receiving IV pain meds today. Her pain tolerance (or stubborness in wanting to keep a clear head) is incredibly high. It wasn't until she couldn't put her lips on a cup containing her protein smoothie because of the pain did she agree to a small amount of paid meds.

At this point we don't know how much longer she will be here, but we do know that we will celebrate Thanksgiving on 5 West. We are thankful for the wonderful caregivers who have become like extended family, we are thankful for you and most importantly we are thankful to God who is in control of all things including those things that are difficult and hard to understand.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.

Psalm 100:4

Happy Thanksgiving,

Steve & Bonnie


  1. You and Bonnie and your wonderful family are continually being prayed for. You are loved and most of all by God. Have a Blessed Thanksgiving on 5 West. I love you, Sandy

  2. Praise the Lord! I know that you are still incredibly burdened, but to me (I live in IN, steph and christie's cousin) this is much improved. Thank you for your faithful blogging. God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Thanks for keeping us posted. I am just getting ready to go out to a multi-church Thanksgiving service. I am going to talk briefly about Psalm 1 in a devotional. I am thankful that your family delights in the Law of the Lord and so are like trees by streams of water -- whose leaves do not wither.

    And, I am thankful that the LORD watches over the way of the righteous.

  4. Praise God that Bonnie is out of ICU!
    We will keep praying about the rest.
    We pray that you will be able to have special time together as a family tomorrow.

  5. So sad you'll have to spend Thanksgiving in the hospital :(
    I will be praying that the day is special for you, even though it is not ideal, obviously. Still praying for endurance, lessening of the pain, that God would bring your family closer together, for strength, and of course COMPLETE HEALING!
    Psalm 91:14 "The Lord says, 'I will rescue those who trust in my name. When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble.'"
    Thank you, once again, for your AMAZING examples of Christ-like attitudes during suffering. I love you all and am SO thankful to have role models like you. I'm praying God blesses you immeasurably!

  6. Prayed for you today! May the Good Lord strengthen you spiritually and physically!

  7. Steve, you and Bonnie and your family continue to both challenge and strengthen my faith. I am so grateful that you can still see the hand of our loving God in all this. Your faith in Him, no matter what, is a blessing to so many. But know that we weep with you, as well. My husband was just asking me if my tears were for joy or sorrow, and I had to say both. It is so sad to see your wonderful family going through this ordeal, but it is also amazing to see God's faithfulness both to and through you. Keep clinging to Him and let the joy of the Lord be your strength; He is being glorified through all of you.

    Laurel Landers

  8. So sorry to hear you had to spend Thanksgiving at the hospital, but glad to hear that Bonnie is out of ICU but that the doctors are taking enough care to take those precautions. Praying for strength, healing, and comfort for all of you, especially Bonnie.

  9. Glad to hear about your bone marrow biopsy results!!!
