Saturday, May 30, 2009


Day 18. In some respects it seems just like the other day Bonnie was admitted to Sparrow and on the other hand it feels like we have been drifting at sea with no end in sight (although we’ve never been drifting, this must be how it feels). I would be lying if I said we weren’t tired and weary, but with all the prayers of so many God gives us the strength to persevere another day.

Bonnie is just receiving the next chemo IV drip which is the fourth bag out of five which will run out Sunday night at around 10:15 and the final bag will start and finish up at around 10:30 Monday night. From that point we have yet to be told when to expect the next bone marrow biopsy. We suspect it would occur towards the end of next week.

Bonnie’s day started out okay, but as they day wore on it got more difficult for her. She was able to eat a small portion for breakfast and get her walk in, including time to enjoy her favorite spot in the atrium. She visited with her sisters from Gaylord during the late morning. From that point the day brought on some challenges for her.

This paragraph might be a little graphic and I apologize for it, but those of you who are praying need to get a more specific picture of what Bonnie is physically enduring. She does not want you to feel sorry for her, but rather have you know more specifically how to pray her through the day and night. I have mentioned previously that eating meals has been a challenge for her. First it was the cracked lips, then the sores in her mouth, followed by the loss of taste and difficulty in swallowing. Now it is timing the meal so it aligns itself with the timing of the anti-nausea medication. It takes Bonnie well over an hour to eat a ½ English muffin and a table spoon of scrambled eggs for breakfast or ½ of a grilled sandwich and chicken broth. It is a huge accomplishment to make it through a meal and of course Bonnie is so concerned about nutrition, particularly when everything they are running through her body is killing everything inside. So as she was finishing up her last bite of lunch, she threw everything up and was back at the starting point of zero nutrition and quite discouraged. In addition to this, we (Bonnie and I plus the doctors) are trying to ascertain what specifically is causing her to have severe diarrhea. It has yet to be determined whether it is the chemo, and infection of some sort, or her body rejecting particular food groups. With as little as she is eating, it’s hard to comprehend the frequency this occurs. Both of these issues are discouraging to her which does not come as a surprise. To a certain extent some of it may be brought on by anxiety as she thinks about meals and the fatigue is so pronounced that it’s numbing to sit there and try to comfort her. Please pray that the medications they are pumping into her will stop the nausea and diarrhea and that she will not feel anxious when we order her meals, while we wait for it to be delivered (usually an hour), and looking at it on the tray trying to convince herself to eat a portion.

As always pray for the elimination of the blasts in the bone marrow and for strength for me both physically and mentally as I care for Bonnie throughout the day and night….along with the incredible nursing staff.

Today was Cassandra’s openhouse which turned out spectacular with the exception of Bonnie’s absence. It was nice to see so many familiar faces as well as many surprise out of town family and friends. Although it was hard with Bonnie confined to a hospital, it was also comforting to me to hear so many times that you are praying for Bonnie. We are so grateful to be part of the body of Christ knowing that there are so many of you that we don’t even know, taking time to pour your heart out to God on behalf of our family and particularly Bonnie. We can look at this trial we are coping with through either the eyes of hope or despair. We choose hope, because we have put our faith in Jesus Christ who out of love for us gave His life for ours. This brings me back to the point of being surrounded by so many family and friends who are part of the body of Christ and the comfort it brings to Bonnie and I (and our family). Your outpouring of love can never be measured!

“So now Faith, Hope and Love abide, these three, but the greatest of these is Love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13


  1. Bonnie, we are praying for you constantly... Praying that God's will will be to lift this cancer from you. Please know that you are much loved, and lifted up in prayer. God can give you the strength to get that food down, more strength than you could ever summon yourself! Thank you Steve, for letting us know specifically how to pray - I will be on my knees on your behalf before I go to bed tonight.
    Mary Grace and fam

  2. We love you so much and pray with fervor for healing, grace, strength and peace for all of you. God is good and His mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.

    "Though I walk in the midst of trouble, Thou wilt revive me; thou shalt stretch forth Thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and Thy right hand shall save me." Ps. 138:7

    "For I will cleanse their blood that I have not cleansed." Joel 3:21

    "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as they soul prospereth." III John 2

    You are so precious to us, all our love,
    Ed and Cathy

  3. Dear Bonnie, Steve and family,
    I am so sorry to hear about these new developments. Thanks for sharing about what's going on so we can pray more specifically. We love you guys and are praying for your complete healing in every way. Hang in there! We love you.
    The Edwards (Bruce, Cindy, Steph and Christie)
