Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Well, today was a difficult one. The results of the bone marrow biopsy were not what we or the doctors wanted. Bonnie still has 5% blast (the leukemia cells) in her bone marrow which was detected on the flow cytometry test of the biopsy. Because the cells are formed in the marrow and then introduced into the blood, it is important to wipe out all blast from the marrow otherwise the blast will take over again, as they reproduce like fruit flies (my analogy). If these are not taken care of and left alone, we would be right back where we were when Bonnie was admitted to the hospital.

So, starting tonight (we are waiting as I type this) Bonnie will go through a “re-induction” chemo treatment, which is a medical term that basically means she is getting another round of the same chemo only instead of 7 days it will be 5 days. At the conclusion of this treatment there will be another bone marrow biopsy to see what, if any, changes have occurred.

A couple of perspectives: 1) when she was admitted and the first bone marrow biopsy was performed (prior to chemo) the blasts in her bone marrow were 88% of all the young WBC being produced. So the blasts have dropped significantly, so in some respect you might think this is a significant change, which it is, however…2) Approximately 80% to 90% of those individuals getting the same standard leukemia treatment move on to the next step of and show minimal or no trace of blasts….so Bonnie falls in that 10% to 20% range where additional chemo is needed right away.

Thinking backwards to an earlier blog post, I need to say that this is an answer to prayer…not the exact outcome from a physical perspective, but an answer nonetheless and an answer that ultimately glorifies God Himself. Because God is holy, he has every right to glorify Himself in whatever way He determines best, even when it is contrary to what our desires are. Did we pray the desire of our heart? Yes. God said “no” for now. Do we believe God has the power to heal Bonnie? Yes. He may choose to heal her now or restore her with a glorified body in heaven. We don’t know, and we can’t dwell on the “what ifs or whens”, we can only dwell on the “here and now” and look for opportunities to watch God work in our own lives and those around us. Think about the healing of the blind man in Mark 8:23-25:

“And he (Jesus) took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, “Do you see anything?” And he looked up and said, “I see men, but they look like trees, walking.” Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly.

There are other accounts in the gospels when Jesus healed the blind the first time around. I’ve always wondered why, on this particular occasion, the healing was a two step process. Was it because the blind man lacked faith? Or was it to show not all healing will occur in the manner we might expect it to? We can only speculate. Maybe Bonnie’s healing will be a two step process. Whatever the outcome is, we need to continue to walk in faith knowing He has a greater purpose than we will ever comprehend.

I’m so glad that Bonnie and I have put our faith and trust in Jesus Christ, because without it we would have no hope. I have the opportunity to walk around the oncology floor throughout the day and am continually reminded how safe and secure we are no matter the situation we are dealing with. Many times each day I wonder aloud, “What do some of these people in other rooms who have no relationship with Christ hold onto for their hope while they battle their illnesses? Where is their source of security and peace?” If they could only experience God’s peace the way we are. That in and of itself is an answer to prayer. Hundreds have been praying for peace for us during this difficult time. In some respects this experience has some aspects of a dream that isn’t really real, yet enough time has lapsed that reality set in two weeks ago, so I can only attribute what we’re feeling is God’s overwhelming peace. There is no other way to describe it. Please continue to pray for peace for us.

Bonnie is very weak from lack of food and constantly battling fevers. Please pray that the dryness and sores in her mouth and throat will heal along with her severally chapped lips to make it easier for chewing food as well as taking her oral meds. She did have 3 small bottles of Ensure today which was encouraging.

I would appreciate your prayers for continued stamina to care for Bonnie throughout the day and night. Also pray for our kids that this valley we are experiencing will draw them closer to God and for them to see God’s greater purpose in His plan as opposed to being swayed by selfish thoughts that might turn them away from seeking God.

Thank you for the outpouring of love to Bonnie and I and our family.


  1. Thanks for the update, Steve. Cherie and I have been praying for both you and Bonnie and we appreciate knowing specifically what to pray for. A frustrating setback for sure. I don't pretend to know what the Lord is doing here. Reminds me of an exchange between Lucy and Mr. Tumnus at the end of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe.

    Mr. Tumnus: (Speaking of Aslan) - "He's not a tame lion."
    Lucy: "No...but he is good."

  2. Psalm 139:1-5 O LORD, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O LORD. You hem me in-behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.

    Praying for strength for you Steve and for Bonnie- praying daily for your encouragement and health.

    Praying God will help your kids to have faith and to help them when they doubt.

    My husband Chuck (American Rentals) is setting up your tent today for the open house..praying for great weather and for everything to come together. :)

    Kelly Sites

  3. Yesterday when I heard the news about the test results I started to wonder, what power do I have over God's will? I was thinking, we can tell Him what we want, but in the end, it's His decision. So do I pray once, with as much faith as I can muster, and then leave it to Him to deliver His decision? Why should I keep praying the same thing over and over, all the while knowing that He has a greater plan than I will ever understand. Then on the way home, Charles Stanley came on the radio and was speaking on this very topic! I couldn't believe it. He reminded me that God is truly like a dad that we can go to and petition for whatever it is we want, and He will listen, and He will answer. I think about how my kids ask me for something, and I will respond, "let me think about it." And they keep asking and asking until I give them my decision. (And then they usually ask again if they didn't get the decision they wanted, then I get stern!) But this gave me encouragement to pray and to keep on praying, now remembering that He keeps listening and He does want to give us our desires, like a loving dad!

  4. Dear Steve, Bonnie, Cassandra, Cassie & Caleb,

    Be strong and courageous, for our GOD IS MIGHTY TO SAVE!!!! He will keep you in perfect peace for His mighty and powerful hand is upon each of you as you walk through this together.

    We appreciate your daily updates. We will continue to pray for each of you. Greater is He that is in You-and your updates speak volumns that Jesus is working in Bonnie, Steve and the kids with each step that you take whether it is a baby step backwards, or leaps and bounds forward.
    We will continue to pray for His Kingdom and His Will be Done every moment of your days/nights at the hospital.
    Stay Strong and Hold on to HIM as tight as you can. Continue to draw closer to our Messiah and Saviour Jesus.

    The Sims Family
    (Dean & Theresa & family)

  5. Dear Bonnie, Steve, Cassandra, Callie and Caleb,
    Thanks so much for the update. I am so sorry to hear about these results. We are praying for complete healing for Bonnie and for peace, strength and comfort for all of you guys. We now, thanks to your specific report, can pray for some other stuff too. We love you and are praying.
    The Edwards (Bruce, Cindy, Steph and Christie)

  6. Hi! My kids go to Teenworks and so I have been made aware of your situation. We were also in SOM and we met there. I think you may really benefit from the teaching of Andrew Wommack. This is his "God Wants You Well" series. It has dramatically changed my Christian perspective on God's teaching on our health and wellness and, specifically, the authority and power we've been granted by Him to claim it. I think this could be so helpful for you and Bonnie and I strongly encourage you to take a minute to review it. Please contact me if you want more information. We pray for Bonnie's complete recovery and health to God's glory.
