Tuesday, June 23, 2009


After a night of an elevated heart rate of 180 which created quite a stir amongst the nursing staff, Bonnie actually slept fairly well before and after the escapade. Today we saw our real first glimmer of progress. Bonnie’s WBC count this morning was 200 of which 150 were the good ones (neutrophils). Just for clarification, the other 50 WBC are not necessarily bad ones (not sure the purpose they serve – that comes in Hematology 201). The bad ones, blasts, are still at zero. We are encouraged by the news obviously, but also understand that right now these cells are being counted by hand, so there is room for error, such as what happened over a week ago. We had one day that showed 100 WBC followed by zero WBC for over a week. We have had two days starting on Sunday where she was at 100 and now 200 today. Please continue to pray that these will continue to multiply quickly.

Other good news is another day with no new growth in the blood cultures that were taken many days ago to determine the status of the yeast infection. The Infectious Disease physicians are keeping Bonnie on some of the added antibiotics for a few more days just to make sure she is in the clear. This is a huge answer to prayer. We are so thankful to God for His healing hand and the wisdom and discernment He gifted the doctors with to protect Bonnie from further complications.

Her diarrhea seems to be slowing down a little, but she is still somewhat apprehensive about when the next bout may hit, so please pray that God will remove her anxiousness and that Bonnie will hold onto the verse she repeats often throughout the day from Philippians 4:6-7:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Another area of prayer for Bonnie is her memory. From my meeting with Bonnie’s doctor (I guess I should now say our doctor) yesterday, he informed me that I also would have “chemo brain” like Bonnie once my chemo treatment starts for my Lymphoma. There are little things that I have to keep reminding her that the doctor says it is okay, such as certain foods or the use of a warm blanket. She is afraid that by having a warm blanket that it will trigger a fever. I have to reassure her over and over that if she doesn’t have a fever that she isn’t going to do anything to cause it to reoccur.

As for me, I have my bone marrow biopsy scheduled for 1:30pm tomorrow (Wednesday). The balance of the tests I need to have scheduled will be done so tomorrow. I’m beginning to experience a fair amount of shooting pain as well as constant pain that thus far is manageable with pain pills (which I don’t really like to take). Please pray that I can endure not only the pain, but mentally continue to manage Bonnie’s healthcare, my health as well as my kids and their activities.

For those of you who reading this that are either out of the local region or don’t know us as well as others, we have an incredible amount of support from family and friends standing ready to do anything we need to have done. So if you’re wondering about our children, yes they need prayer for God’s protection emotionally and spiritually, but they have ample opportunity to keep busy with family and friends. The few times I’ve been home, I have been amazed by the growth and maturity I see in each of them and am so grateful to God for answering the many prayers for their protection.

Daily I am reminded of Romans 12:10 that says:

"Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor." (English Standard Version)

I actually prefer the New American Standard Version which says:

"Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves."

I like the word “devotion”. We have been the recipient of countless acts of ministry from those who have devoted themselves to our family beyond comprehension. Thank you for your devotion to us!


  1. We are continuing to stand with you in prayer. What a blessing to know that you are never out of His care, never out of His hand, never out of His sight! Thank you for sharing your lives with us...God is using you, another answer to prayer!

    Love you,

    The Pizzimentis

  2. Progress! Praise the Lord! We'll pray for an overwhelming supply of neutrophils. "Chemo brain," there's something I hadn't heard about before. Interesting.

  3. Praying for you all daily-

    Steve-I'm praying for your bone marrow biopsy at 1:30 today! Peace be with you! Praying God brings you peace before,during,after!

    Praising God for the rise in the WBCs!

    I'm glad God doesn't ever get tired of hearing from us!

    Blessings and peace over all of you today!

    Kelly Sites

  4. Steve, I hope you are enduring the pain with the comfort of the many prayers that are coming your way. You and Bonnie are faithful servants of God and are role models of strength as you both struggle with cancer. You will be in our prayers continually. Jim Donaldson

  5. Wanted to try to encourage y'all with this quote I came across in my morning reading.

    "We cannot see all the meaning of His dealings with us; we cannot see the reasonableness of the path in which our feet are treading. Sometimes so many trials have assailed us, so many difficulties encompassed us, that we have not been able to discover the needs-be of it all. It is just as if our Father was taking us by the hand into a dark place and saying, 'Ask no questions but follow me.'"

    J. C. Ryle
